Your Parish Councillors


Parish Councillors' Register of Interests

The Localism Act 2011 made fundamental changes to the system of regulating standards of conduct for elected and co-opted councillors - regulations made under the Localism Act require all Councillors to register their ‘Disclosable Pecuniary Interests’.

The Monitoring Officer is required by the Localism Act 2011 to maintain a register of councillors and co-opted members interests of Parish and Town Councils situated within the District of Blaby and to publish the register on the Council’s website.

To view members' interests for Countesthorpe Parish Councillors, follow this link to the Blaby District Website
A guide to becoming a Parish Councillor
Rev. Mick Gillespie

Rev. Mick Gillespie


3 Penfold Drive

0116 278 1130

I married my wife Gill at St. Mary’s Church West Horsley in Surrey in 1962 and we moved via Coventry and Hinckley to Countesthorpe in 1973. We have three sons and one daughter and now blessed with five grandsons, four granddaughters, one step-grandson, and one step-granddaughter.

My career was largely with BT where I was firstly an engineer then for many years on Technical Support with the last decade or so in management. Ordained priest in the Church of England in 1988 and served as a minister in secular employment until I retired from BT in 2001. Still active within our local church of St Andrews and St Bartholomew’s church in Foston.

I joined the Parish Council in 2004 and played a lead part in the Parish Questionnaire of 2005. Now as chairman my main role is to take on all the responsibilities a council chairman has. This involves ensuring the Parish Council is run professionally and efficiently and keeps the interests of the village in the forefront of its actions.

With Countesthorpe Parish Council having taken over the library in Spring 2016 from Leicester County Council, I now chair the Library Committee which oversees the running of the library and the plans for its future.

I have an interest in most sports but my passion is football where I support a team closer to my roots in Surrey.

Carole Ibbotson

Carole Ibbotson


52 Reed Pool

Originally born in Harrogate North Yorkshire I moved to Countesthorpe in June 2007 due to the geographical nature of my job.

Professionally, I have worked for UNICEF and Cancer Research UK, spanning over 30 years, in the role of a fundraising manager for both charities.

We have four grown-up children and four grandchildren between us.

Since retiring, my husband, Pete and I have enjoyed a slower pace of life in this lovely village.

My hobbies include keeping fit at the gym, gardening, and travelling to the USA, where my youngest daughter lives.

I hope my life skills can contribute in some way as a serving member of Countesthorpe Parish Council.

Tricia Cornforth


0798 9549074

I moved to Countesthorpe in 1969. I have two daughters both were educated in the village.
I worked for the NHS for 20 years both clerical and clinical.
I belong to several groups within the village and volunteer in a charity shop in Blaby.
I am looking forward to being involved in the future of our village.

Royston Bayliss

Royston Bayliss


23 Cosby Road
Countesthorpe LE8 5PD

07711 045443

I’ve lived in Countesthorpe all my life, except for the three years up in Lancaster whilst at university. It is there that I met my partner, Maria.

I progressed through our local school system from nursery to GCSE, was part of the local scouts group within the village and I played football for many years on the Willoughby Road recreation grounds. Indeed, one of my crowning glories is the single goal I scored in my time playing for the Countesthorpe Warriors Under 11s.

Since graduating I have taken up the roles of trainee accountant and district councillor for our area.

At my core, I’m passionate about our locality - the green spaces, businesses, and community life that our village has to offer. So it’s great to get stuck in and collaborate with other hardworking members of our community on our Parish council.

David Shuttleworth

David Shuttleworth


11 Bladen Close

07850 484045

I have lived in the village of Countesthorpe with my wife Jacqueline since December of 2001. As a retired member of the Royal Air Force Police. I have served in many areas around the UK and throughout the world. I am at present still working as an Engineering Manager, within the Warehouse Sector. I have been married for 39 years and my wife and I have a 35-year-old Daughter and two Grandchildren. My Daughter attended Countesthorpe College and now works as a Specialist Cancer Nurse within the NHS.

I am all to rapidly approaching retirement age and am looking for a new challenge in which I feel I can utilise my experience and skill sets and hopefully go on to make a difference within my local community. I believe that by serving as a Councillor on the Countesthorpe Parish Councill. I can join a committed team of Councillors and we can continue to help to make a real difference to the community in which we all live.

Vicky Armstrong

Vicky Armstrong


07960 189 698

I first came to the village in 1974. I am married with two adult children, both educated in the village, and three grandchildren.

I was a teacher for most of my working life including some happy time at Linden Junior School as it was then.

Now retired, I enjoy Tai Chi, gardening and bridge. I have been involved in several voluntary activities over the years and currently volunteer with Citizens Advice. I was also a founding member of Countesthorpe U3A.

I'm hoping for a long and healthy retirement in Countesthorpe and am honoured to be a member of the Parish Council. I want to devote time and energy to helping to keep Countesthorpe a pleasant and happy place to live, in particular in helping to maintain the rural character of the village.

Sherry Burditt

Sherry Burditt


07712 660712

I first moved to Countesthorpe in 1972. Married to Michael, we have two sons who both attended the village schools from nursery to sixth form.

Having worked at a city secondary school I finally fully retired from my educational management and consultancy roles in 2015.

Initially trained as an artist/designer I am, at last, finding the time to develop my own artwork. I am currently a member of the U3A and was an inaugural member of Active Arts. I have a particular interest in culture and the Arts.

In retirement I am taking the opportunity to improve my bridge game, to reconnect with old friends and to spend time with my four lovely grandchildren.

Adrian Clifford

Adrian Clifford


I have lived in the village all my life and very much value the benefits and quality of life Countesthorpe offers.

In 2003 I welcomed the opportunity and responsibility of becoming a Parish Councillor and continue to enjoy the varied challenges within this role.

Sue Kinvig

Sue Kinvig

25 Rosebank Road

Born in Liverpool, I married and moved to Leicester in 1981. We have lived in Countesthorpe since 1988 and have seen many changes in the village during this time. We moved to Countesthorpe to enjoy the neighbouring countryside and I am very keen to preserve our environment and green spaces. I look forward to being an active member of the Parish Council and becoming more involved with decisions relating to village matters.

Kathryn McGovern

Kathryn McGovern


0116 2786501

I am originally from Yorkshire, but I have lived in Leicestershire for thirty seven years, the last ten years residing in Countesthorpe. I am married with grown up children, all of whom were educated in Leicestershire, and I have one grandson.

Professionally, I worked in Primary Education in a number of roles including a class teacher and deputy head teacher, before I became a head teacher sixteen years ago. I became a C.E.O of a Leicestershire Multi- Academy Trust in 2016, before taking early retirement in 2019.

Since retiring and particularly since the onset on the pandemic, I have really got to know our village and the great community spirit within it. I have enjoyed taking on a number of voluntary roles, including work for the ‘Countesthorpe Support and Volunteers’ group and becoming NHS responder as well as a ‘Befriender’ for Blaby District Council.

I feel it is a privilege to serve on the Parish Council and I hope my contribution will not only support the duties of the Parish Council but also promote the community as a whole.

Penny Mount

Penny Mount


6 Almond Close

0116 277 5943

My working life has been spent mostly in Local Government and Leicestershire County Council Educational establishments. This has included working at Oadby Urban District Council, Leysland High School, Countesthorpe Nursery and for a long period of time at Countesthorpe Parish Council as Deputy Clerk.

During these years both at the Parish Council and in other areas I have taken an active interest in village matters. Currently I am a member of the Countesthorpe U3A and carry out voluntary work as secretary to the Information Centre, as well as working in the Rainbow shop. I have also been actively interested in progressing the development of Countesthorpe Country Park in conjunction with Blaby District Council. In 2016 I was, although not a member, involved with the Active Arts group in producing a small book and exhibition relating to the life of Private W. Buckingham VC.

Stuart Palmer

Stuart Palmer

07751 659994

I have lived in Countesthorpe now for over 20 years and love living here. I’m married to Jane and we have one son Tom who is 18 years old. We have just re-homed a corgi called Logan so we can be seen walking around the village from time to time. We also now have a very old gold fish whose name I’m unsure of.

I work in a secondary school as a Catering Manager and have been here nearly 5 years, which I enjoy immensely.

I also am a keen golfer and am part of Countesthorpe Cricket Club, I still play now & again for the forth team. I’ve also just been involved with running a sponsorship shirt raffle for the club & also run the ‘100’ club draw on behalf of the committee.

I’ve travelled extensively in my younger days & have worked in a variety of establishments during my catering career. I’d like to think I was good at getting on with people & can adapt to a lot of different environments & situations. After living in Countesthorpe for so long I’d like to ‘give something back’ and feel with my experiences in life, I could.

Karen Pearce

Karen Pearce


91 Station Road


I have recently moved to Countesthorpe having lived in a number of South Leicestershire villages all my life. I am married to Tim and have 3 children, 4 lovely grand-children and 3 dogs. 

My working life has been in health care both as a registered nurse and later as a manager. For the last 15 years I have worked for the Royal College of Nursing in the West Midlands where, as a full time officer I represented nurses and nursing in a variety of workplaces, such as GP surgeries, hospitals, prisons, universities both in the NHS and private sector. 

I have served as a school governor in the past and have held the position of Chairperson at a Lutterworth school.

I retired from work a few years ago, but have arranged to return to help with the covid vaccination roll-out. My interests are spending time with family and friends. I enjoy dog walks and dog agility. One of my dogs was a Therapy Dog visiting children in a primary school who were struggling with reading. She would listen to them read for a biscuit. I sing in a local choir and have managed to keep things going via zoom since the restrictions and have recorded and posted a few of our songs on You-Tube. I have rediscovered crafting too during lockdown.

I have joined the Parish Council as I really want to work alongside others and develop and sustain a thriving community. I think I have some skills and experience that may help.

Will Read

Will Read


13 Almond Close

0116 2772485

I have lived in Countesthorpe for around 36 years with my wife, Wendy. We have been married for 43 years and have two children, Matthew and Rebecca, who were both born here and enjoyed attending the local schools. They both excelled academically and are now following successful careers. 

I retired from 18 years of teaching at the Martin High School in Anstey 8 years ago. Prior to that, I followed a successful career in IT culminating in project management roles in Retail and Point of Sale systems at Next. I also set up a small business in PC building, maintenance and IT services, advertising regularly in the Herald for a number of years.

My interests include reading, gardening, baking bread and trying to keep fit. I am also interested in psychology and Buddhist teachings. 

I became involved with the Leicestershire Recovery College at Glenfield Hospital towards the end of my teaching career. I became a peer volunteer/tutor, teaching a number of courses such as Mindfulness and Anxiety Management. I have also been involved in implementing and running a Psychoeducation course within the Leicestershire Partnership Trust (LPT). I am a trained Mental Health First Aider. 

As a parish councillor I hope to contribute towards improving the lives of residents within the community and I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities this role will present.

Paul Servadei

24 Scotland Way

0788 0746375

Martin Smith

Martin Smith

Vice Chairman

46 Wheatland Drive

0116 277 5783

I have lived in the village since 1983 and have been a member of the Parish Council since 1991. I served as Chairman of the Parish Council from 2008 to 2010 and am currently the Chair of the Finance Committee.

I am Chair of the Governors at Greenfield Primary School having been a Governor there since 1995. I help to produce The Herald and was previously on the committee of the Cricket Club.

I worked for a bank for 25 years and currently work for a number of schools as their “Clerk to the Governors” giving advice and support to their Governors.

John Thacker

John Thacker


30 Fir Tree Avenue

0116 278 1877

I was born in South Wigston. I served in the Armed Forces and worked all my life in the machine tool industry.

We moved to Countesthorpe in 1968. We had two sons who were educated in the village. Several years after my wife died I married again to my wife Maureen in 1993.

I have always taken a keen interest in village life and, being a photographer, I started to record the changes within the village. This gives the opportunity to show how Countesthorpe has changed over time.

I am part of Countesthorpe U3A and Countesthorpe Heritage and would like to see more facilities for younger people within the village. As Countesthorpe is a village that has new developments it would be nice to see these integrate into the thriving community to maintain a village life.

Steve Turner

Steve Turner


07811 620 375

I have lived in Countesthorpe since 1996. It has expanded and evolved since then and by being a member of the parish council I wish to contribute to our local community in a positive way.